Monday, February 09, 2009

Background on Council Agenda Items for Tonight's Council Meeting, Unavailable Online

I was already aware of this because over the weekend, while I was able to access the City's Web site, I was unable to access the Council agenda for this evening. I usually look over the background of, at least, some of the items on the agenda from the hot links available at the agenda page which is accessible through the City's Web site. The email provided from the City, to those who have signed up for news releases, does not provide the hot links to the bills so one may look into the background of any given bill, if one so desires.

I knew the City had been fighting a virus in their computer system. Today, I could not access the City's Web site at all.

The reason the agenda is unavailable, is because, according to a media advisory from the City's Public Information Director, Louise Whall, the City's Web site is currently blocked to outside access as they continue to try to recover from the virus outbreak in their system which occurred last week.

"It is likely to remain shut down through today and will be reassessed on Tuesday, Feb. 10," Whall reported.


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