Thursday, October 23, 2008

Police/Fire Pension Proposal to be Discussed Today; New Web Site Created

City Manager Greg Burris will hold a news conference today at 2:30. He will be discussing a proposal to address the growing shortfall in the Police/Firefighters' Pension system.

The news conference will air live on TV23. The video and Powerpoint will be linked at City Connect after the news conference.

The Pension Board has created a new Web site making available background information about the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement system.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not watch the whole 56 minutes, but it looks like Mr. Burris has it all figured out.

An extra 40 million a year will solve the problem. Wall Street will watch over the money from there, as Barney Frank makes a few changes to better serve us.

The sooner the sun rises on this problem the sooner it will set.