Sunday, August 06, 2006

Spotlight on Michael Goodart, FairTax Supporter

Michael Goodart is running in the 138th district of Missouri in the Republican primary. He is a graduate of Missouri State University with a B. S. in Political Science and minored in Finance and General Business. Mr. Goodart worked as an intern for Majority Whip Chuck Purgason in 2003. He is a charismatic young man with great communication skills, as I witnessed when listening to his debate with his primary opponent Steve Helms: (According to the Springfield News-Leader "Helms does not dispute... that in 2003 he filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, reporting $767,079 in debt, including more than $100,000 in credit card debt.")

Mr. Goodart is an avid supporter of the Fair Tax, Bill HR 25/S 25. I have heard few people better able to articulate the benefits of the FairTax than Mr. Goodart. When I listened to the debate between Mr. Goodart and Mr. Helms on the Vincent David Jericho Show, which is on KSGF Monday through Friday from 6:00 to 9:00 am, it became clear to me that Michael Goodart is the stronger advocate for the FairTax of the two primary opponents. While Helms claims to support it, it seemed to me that he spent much of his time arguing against the FairTax while Goodart spent his time arguing in support of it.

If you would like to learn more about Mr. Goodart's stands on issues such as the FairTax, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Personal Responsibility and Business and what he would do to work for Missouri, please visit his website. I cannot remember being more impressed with a young politician as I am with this fine young man.

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