Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Spotlight on Bernard Kennetz, Jr., Primary Opponent in the 7th District and FairTax Supporter

Dr. Bernard Kennetz, Jr is running in the Republican primary for Roy Blunt's seat in the 7th District of Missouri. He makes a good argument (kennetzforcongress.com) for change. Here is a quote from Kennetz on taxation:

Income Tax: There is no justification for a compulsory income tax when there are other options. Citizens must be given choice, freewill, freedom, when that is in the realm of possibilities. A national sales tax is a completely volitional tax. The citizen makes the choice, not his/her government. There are no legal loopholes. The income tax should, and must be abolished if America is to remain a moral country living up to its ideals. It must be replaced with the national sales tax where all people are treated equally under the law.

Dr. Kennetz is a petition signer and supporter of the Fair Tax Bill, HR 25/S 25.

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