Sunday, June 29, 2008

Recommended Readings 20-22, Topic: Brozman reports on Israel

and her first visit there

Atlanta JT Online, brings us Suzi Brozman's: The Rockets' Red Glare

"We are loving people," one resident declared. "We educate our kids to live and to love, but it is difficult to live with neighbors who hate us."

Also included: The Littlest Victims

"These children tend to get chronic depression - their art lacks color and integration, showing apathy. When they let down their defenses and an attack happens, the reaction is intensified....

...It was jarring hearing 6-year-olds talk of their emotional needs and anxieties."

Want to read more about Suzi Brozman's experiences and first impression of Israel? Hello to Israel - Notes from a First-Time Visitor


Momma Twoop said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Jacke. I went to read Suzi's articles - they're just great.

Jackie Melton said...

She's an awesome journalist, isn't she?