Monday, June 08, 2009

Does CU have Time to Change Course on their Bus Transfer Facility Plans?

or, is eminent domain prospect still looming?

The City's Web log, "CityConnect," has provided an update about City Utilities plans for a new bus transfer facility.

The update is as follows:

Eminent Domain Update

City Manager Greg Burris updated the Council on discussions with City Utilities regarding the possibility of using a City-owned property for the proposed bus transfer facility.

He said three properties have been identified that could be potential sites. The City Utilities staff will quickly review the sites to see if they are suitable for the needs of the transfer facility.

Burris said he recognizes that City Utilities is on a tight timeline for several reasons, including a June 15 deadline for applying for federal stimulus funding; a June 11 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting; and a June 11 federal bankruptcy court proceeding.

Mayor O’Neal said he appreciates City Utilities’ willingness to reconsider the site being considered that would require the use of eminent domain.

posted by Louise Whall, Public Information

With the deadline for applying for federal stimulus funds one week away, it's hard to imagine it feasible for the utility to put together the documentation that would be necessary to propose a new site for the project in time to apply for that funding? - Note: the CityConnect update was published June 4, one week prior to the hearing and less than two weeks ahead of the application deadline.

The "Springfield News-Leader" first reported CU still had plans to move forward with a court hearing, scheduled June 11, last week:

"The hearing, at which CU will ask that Spence's St. Louis Street property be separated from her other assets-- clearing the way for the possible use of eminent domain -- would be difficult to reschedule, [Mark] Viguet [CU spokesman] said. "For now, I don't think there's any change in that....

...the utility is hesitant to cancel the hearing, he said, but that could change based on developments regarding other sites."


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