Monday, February 08, 2010

About the City Manager's "Listening Tour"

I've been asked at least a couple of times about Springfield City Manager Greg Burris' schedule for a "Listening Tour."

There is no published schedule. What is being offered is an opportunity for any community or civic organization to schedule a Listening Tour meeting through Executive Assistant Kathy Hardt at 864-1006 or via email at

Individual citizens may answer the same survey questions that Mr. Burris is asking when he visits with community or civic organizations, and the Web site the City has provided for such input, according to news releases, does not relay the source of the input except by region (unless you choose to identify yourself).

If you would like to answer the survey questions, you may follow this link, "QuestionPro Survey - Listening Tour."

These are the survey questions:

What do you value most about the Springfield area?
What would you most like to change about the Springfield area?
What is your vision for the Springfield area in the Year 2030?
How can you help us get there?

The survey also gives you an opportunity to make additional comments about Springfield's long range planning process and to provide your email address should you wish to be notified when further information becomes available regarding strategic planning.



Anonymous said...

I would suppose if someone had a known future location of a "place to listen" it could be posted HERE.


Ole said...

Burris isn't the only participant. Ralph Rongstadt attended a recent C-Street meeting to gather feedback on the survey questions you listed.

Chestnut Expressway said...

Is there a City manager "Japan Cam" somewhere ?

Always nice to see they are being so conservative for 2010.