Monday, June 29, 2009

Nothing Much has Changed on the Urban Gardening Issue

The "Springfield News-Leader" finally caught up to "JackeHammer" and "busplunge" Web logs by reporting on the "urban gardens" issue in Monday's edition of their paper. Through interviews with City staff members, and more time having played out on the issue, Johnson was able to provide a few new tidbits of information that this blog and busplunge had not previously reported.

It is edifying to note that some Springfield residents are asking some of the same questions asked by this blogger and "the bus," back in mid May.

To read those previous reports:

JackeHammer: Bill Allows City to Propose Gardening Regulations in Residential Areas of Springfield

busplunge: About This Garden Thing....

JackeHammer: The Garden Plot Thickens...or not?

Certainly I will have more to say about it later but, rather than spouting off prematurely, I'll wait until we know more about it when, according to a past City news release,"A staff report describing the proposed amendment in detail (is) delivered to the Planning and Zoning Commission and made available to the public on Thursday, July 2, 2009."



Chestnut Expressway said...

VDJ now has a garden that can feed his family for generations.

This would have to be in violation of something.

Jackie Melton said...

That Jericho is "one bad dude."