Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Touching the Dirt Softly

A girl sits in the midst of the
green, bladed, swirling grass sea
all around her

There are small flags around her
They are blowing in the wind
Her head is bowed and framed
by two twin blonde "pig tails"
She touches the dirt softly


oblivious to the counter protest
which also, like a sea swirls around her

American flags are pervasive
horns of cars are honking to



Does she understand the moment
which has been captured forever
The quiet solitude, like a ball which
falls from heaven but never touches the ground?

In front of a Methodist Church
The flags, they waive
The people, they shout and whistle...
they sing
The horns, TheyJustKeepBlaring



Across the street

Across the street
Not nearly so many cars are
honking for


Why do they not honk for peace?

Do you support the TROOPS by telling them
they are fighting for a lie?
Do you support them by telling them
they are fighting for oil?
Do you support them by telling them
they are fighting for evil corporate Amerika?

Do you



by lying about a lie?
by propagandizing the loss of civilian life
in Iraq?
by bringing the TROOPS home against
their will, without teaching those civilians
you profess to care about how to feed


How to open its cage and let it fly?

A girl sits in the midst of the
green, bladed, swirling grass sea
all around her

There are small flags around her
They are blowing in the wind
Her head is bowed and framed
by two twin blonde "pig tails"
She touches the dirt softly



Momma Twoop said...

This is absolutely beautiful, Jacke! I love the parts referencing the white dove and its feeding. The white dove is fed with bloodshed, constant vigilence and care. Too many peace activists think the absence of war, NOT violence, but war, creates the dove. It does not, for what are oppression of people by a tyrant, assault on human nature through enforced politically correct ideals, speech codes and behavior, all those things which peace activists seem to support, if not violence? People don't honk for the white dove because most of them realize that those promoting the white dove are, in fact, the kind who kill it.

Jackie Melton said...

Thank you, my friend! :)

Yes, peace nor freedom are without cost.